
An increasing amount of scientific research has found connections between body, mind and emotions. Active kids perform better at school, people who are happy get sick less often and a better posture improves our mood. Motophrenic uses this interaction to help people solve problems and achieve their potential.

Individual Coaching

Personal growth can be very tough. You probably know what kind of person you would like to be, but to actually bring that idea to life is a complete different story.


We call that: being trapped inside your mind. You know what you would like to change, but there’s no conviction. The feeling is missing.  All sorts of thoughts and ideas are preventing you from doing the things you really want to do.
A technique to break this is to go to your feelings. To stop thinking and knowing and reasoning for a while, but to go back to feeling and experiencing. To just being. This awareness forms the basis from which you can explore the interaction between your feelings and thoughts and learn how to use these in a positive way.
This is a liberating experience. Your self-confidence grows and you develop a growth mindset. You will discover that you are stronger than you thought you were. We would like to help you with this process.
During sessions with psychologist and trainer we will map mental or emotional obstacles and we will work (often p hysically) with these. For this we use coaching techniques that have roots in psychology and top sports. During conversations with the psychologist we will try to figure out what your obstacles are. The next step is to practice and feel or experience in the physical training how you could handle them. Afterwards you will return to the psychologist to clarify the physical experience and translate this into your daily life.
This cycle of tension, action and relaxation works as an emotional reset. It restores the connection between your feelings and thoughts. This will get you back in balance and allows you to take the next step in your development.
Would you like to find out more or meet us? Contact us with the contact form.


Employees who are in balance perform better and take less sick days. Our workshops and training contribute to the well-being within your organisation which will improve productivity. Prevention is about early recognition and tackling of complaints, but it’s also about self-evaluation and balance. The integration of self-care in work and private life is an important theme in our workshops.

High potential training

Individual and group training focused on sustainable development of talent within your team. The training combines psychological assessment with coaching techniques found within top sports. Sometimes talent needs an extra push. We help people discover their potential and to continue to develop this. Empowerment and the will to grow are the focus points.


Motophrenic organizes customized workshops. Concrete problem areas are being tackled physically and mentally in small to medium sized groups: working together, communication, setting limits and burnout prevention. The workshops are plug and play, ready to be set up in or around your company or on location. They could also be targeted on team-building, internal communication or prevention.

Free engagement

Interested to hear about our approach? Contact us with the contact form.